A comprehensive school-wide evaluation to select a new literacy program
After a thorough six-month professional learning and research process, Grace Lutheran Primary decided to implement MultiLIt’s InitiaLit program beginning in the 2024 school year.
This process resulted in strong buy-in and commitment from the staff to the implementation of InitiaLit. The program has also established a shared language among teachers and education assistants, enhancing their ability to deliver effective instruction.
Grace Lutheran Primary School, located in Clontarf, Queensland, was facing the challenge of having a range of literacy programs in use across different early years’ classes, based on teacher preferences. With three classes across each year level, there was no consistency from one classroom to another.
They found that student literacy results across the school were inconsistent, and the desired progress in the early years was not being achieved.
Reviewing student data through the lens of a Response to Intervention (RtI) framework revealed that the proportion of students requiring intervention exceeded those who were meeting literacy benchmarks. This created an inverted triangle when visualised across RtI Tiers 1, 2 and 3, which the Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning), Jasmine Deighton, identified as a critical issue.
In response to this, the Deputy Principal developed a collaborative action research project for motivated staff to opt in to, resulting in 60% of class teachers joining the working party.
The working party went on to conduct research on evidence-based learning and the Science of Reading, enabling them to further establish criteria for evaluating and assessing different recommended programs. The conclusion of the exercise resulted in the evaluation of two whole-class programs. Visiting schools to see these programs in practice supported the decision to progress with the selection and implementation of MultiLit’s InitiaLit program, as well as Tier 2 programs MiniLit Sage and MacqLit. For Year 3 students, the new SpellEx program was also introduced.

Read the full case study to learn more about the criteria used and steps established, which you may find useful in your own evaluation processes.
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