whole-class initial instruction in literacy
InitiaLit is an evidence-based whole-class literacy program providing all children with the essential core knowledge and strong foundations to become successful readers and writers. InitiaLit is a three-year program, covering the first three years of school (Foundation to Year 2).
In the context of a Response to Intervention framework, InitiaLit is a Tier 1 program, designed to be delivered to whole classes by classroom teachers.
Learn more about our new InitiaLit Extension suite of resources to extend capable students with enhanced teaching materials.
Who is InitiaLit for?
- Schools seeking a reading program that incorporates a synthetic approach to the teaching of phonics alongside a rich literature and vocabulary component
- Schools that would like to see thorough and consistent instruction across classrooms in a year level, and a reduction in the number of children needing support in higher grades
- Teachers looking to provide an evidence-based approach to reading and spelling that is aligned with the Australian National Curriculum
Professional Development Workshop for InitiaLit
There is a compulsory two-day Professional Development Workshop that must be completed prior to implementation of the InitiaLit program. This training can be undertaken via a public workshop (as advertised on the MultiLit Professional Development Workshop calendar) or as an on-site workshop at your school. Schools interested in running an on-site workshop are encouraged to contact us, with requested dates, as early as possible to avoid disappointment. A bridging webinar is available for those who undertook the InitiaLit–F/1 PD Workshop prior to November 2019, and now wish to purchase InitiaLit–2. Contact us to find out more about the bridging webinar.
InitiaLit Levels

initial instruction
Large Group

initial instruction
Year 1
Large Group

initial instruction
Year 2
Large Group
InitiaLit-F (Foundation)
whole-class initial instruction in literacy
About InitiaLit-F
Implemented across four terms, InitiaLit–Foundation (InitiaLit–F) offers an explicit and effective model for teaching reading and related skills to children in their first year of school in a fun and engaging way.
InitiaLit–F focuses on two main components:
- Phonics, to systematically and explicitly teach the basic alphabetic code in a set sequence. In addition to learning letter-sound correspondences and how these are applied to reading and spelling, children will be introduced to common morphemes and simple grammatical concepts.
- Vocabulary, oral language and listening comprehension through quality children’s literature. Detailed lessons, including writing tasks, are provided for each of the storybook titles selected for use with the program.
InitiaLit-F program structure
The program is designed to be delivered in a 90-minute instruction block (ideally uninterrupted, but this can be broken up if timetabling requires). This will include:
- 20-25 minutes of whole-class teaching (ideally four times per week) using a detailed scripted lesson plan.
- 30-45 minutes of further literacy work (these are activities to consolidate the teaching, either completed independently or with a class aide/volunteer while the teacher works with groups on reading and wordbuilding).
- 15-20 minutes for a Storybook session. This literature component provides opportunities to develop oral language, vocabulary and comprehension, with one storybook used as a focus over four sessions.
- Regular progress monitoring using curriculum-based assessments (CBA) to identify needs of children.
InitiaLit-1 (Year 1)
whole-class initial instruction in literacy
About InitiaLit-1
InitiaLit–1 continues on from InitiaLit–Foundation in providing an explicit and effective model for teaching reading, spelling and related skills to children in their second year of school. As in InitiaLit–F, InitiaLit–1 focuses on the two main components of:
- Phonics, to systematically and explicitly teach the basic and advanced alphabetic code in a set sequence. In addition to learning letter-sound correspondences and how these are applied to reading and spelling, children will be introduced to common morphemes and simple grammatical concepts.
- Vocabulary, oral language and listening comprehension through quality children’s literature. Detailed lessons, including writing tasks, are provided for each of the storybook titles selected for use with the program.
InitiaLit-1 program structure
The InitiaLit–1 literacy session includes the following:
• 25 minutes of whole-class teaching (ideally four times per week) using a detailed scripted lesson plan
• 10 minutes of spelling as the lesson directs
• 30-40 minutes of small group and independent work (using targeted and differentiated activities to consolidate the teaching that has taken place during the whole-class lesson)
• 15-20 minutes for a Storybook session. One storybook is used as a focus for four sessions, over a two-week period.
• Ongoing progress monitoring using curriculum-based assessments (CBA) to identify and respond to the needs of children.
InitiaLit-2 (Year 2)
whole-class initial instruction in literacy
About InitiaLit-2
By Year 2, most children will be well on their way to reading independence. The program builds on the skills taught in InitiaLit–F and InitiaLit–1, with the focus shifting now to consolidating children’s reading and spelling skills, working specifically on reading comprehension, fluency, spelling and vocabulary.
InitiaLit–2 has four main components:
- Spelling. This component reviews phoneme-grapheme correspondences and spelling concepts taught in InitiaLit–1 and teaches the remainder of the advanced alphabetic code systematically and explicitly. Children will also learn new spelling rules and morphological concepts.
- Reading comprehension and fluency. In this component, children will be taught comprehension strategies explicitly and how to apply them to different types of text. They will also be given regular opportunities to work on reading fluency through echo, choral and paired reading.
- Grammar. Children will be explicitly taught key grammatical features and how to apply them to a writing task.
- Vocabulary, oral language and comprehension through children’s literature. Detailed lessons are provided for each of the 15 storybook titles selected for use with the program, including detailed writing tasks. Two novel studies are included for use towards the end of the year.
InitiaLit-2 program structure
InitiaLit–2 includes the following:
- Two comprehension and fluency lessons per week (approx. 40 minutes each)
- Three spelling lessons per week (approx. 20-30 minutes each)
- Two storybook lessons per week (approx. 30 minutes each)
- Grammar lessons to be used flexibly during writing lessons
- Time for reading groups using RAD (Read and Discuss) Reading Books and any other appropriate reading material, and independent work using a variety of resources
- Ongoing curriculum-based assessments
InitiaLit Professional Development Workshop
The two-day InitiaLit Professional Development Workshop covers the practical implementation and delivery of the program through extensive small group role-play activities and live video demonstrations of lessons.
Training in InitiaLit program delivery is compulsory prior to implementation of the program to ensure quality of delivery.
What the workshop covers
- The theoretical framework on which InitiaLit is based
- Detailed overview of the program content across all three year levels
- Implementation and assessment procedures including the WARN, WARL and WARP
- Practical demonstrations of the lessons and opportunities to practise lesson delivery
- How to differentiate within InitiaLit lessons to provide support and/or extend students
Who should attend
- Foundation to Year 2 classroom and learning support teachers
- Regular casuals that may relieve in Foundation to Year 2 throughout the year
- Regular learning support staff and teacher’s aides in Foundation to Year 2
- Stage leaders, literacy leaders and curriculum coordinators
InitiaLit–Foundation, InitiaLit–1, InitiaLit–2 and InitiaLit PD are available only to schools.
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
Completing InitiaLit Professional Development Workshop will contribute 9 hours 30 minutes of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and assessment of NSW Curriculum addressing standard descriptors 1.2.2, 2.2.2, 2.5.2, 5.1.2, 5.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

Teacher Quality Institute, ACT
This program has been accredited by TQI in 2025. Attendance provides 10 PD hours for ACT teachers.
Please note: P-INF 001 (InitiaLit–F Kit Only) and W-INF (InitiaLit PD Only) is available only if you have previously purchased P-INF 1 (InitiaLit PD + Kit). P-IN1 001 (InitiaLit–1 Kit Only) and W-IN1 (InitiaLit–1 PD Only) is available only if you have previously purchased P-IN 1 (InitiaLit PD + Kit). PIN2001 InitiaLit–2 Kit and WIN2001 InitiaLit–2 PD Workshop are only available if your school has previously purchased PIN2 InitiaLit–2 PD Workshop plus Kit.
The use of MultiLit publications and attendance at professional development workshops is for personal education use in schools with State/Territory accreditation (‘Accredited Schools’). Other commercial use, hiring or lending, or other use as part of any commercial, not-for-profit, or fee-paying program of instruction or tuition not carried out within an Accredited School is strictly prohibited.
InitiaLit: Maximising Impact – Professional Development Workshop
Designed for teachers who have experience delivering InitiaLit and are looking to take their professional practice to the next level, the one-day InitiaLit: Maximising Impact workshop is a deep dive into how to use student data to maximise learning outcomes.
What the workshop covers
- Using Data: How to make data-informed instructional decisions to support students’ needs and provide appropriate differentiation.
- Explicit Instruction: Connecting data insights to the principles of explicit instruction for intentional, responsive lessons utilising all components of the InitiaLit program.
- Theory and Design of Program: Understanding the evidence base behind IntiaLit and the theories of effective teaching embedded in the program, enabling further refinement of practice across the teaching of all literacy skills.
Who should attend
- Foundation to Year 2 classroom teachers with at least two years’ experience delivering InitiaLit
- Stage leaders, literacy leaders and curriculum coordinators
- Learning support teachers involved in supporting students in Foundation to Year 2