Parents and teachers can sometimes be at loss to know which books to choose when doing Reinforced Reading with low-progress readers.
The MultiLit Book Levels chart takes away the guesswork, and can be used as a guide to align commonly used book series with approximate reading ages and the corresponding MultiLit Book Level. We have also a list of books at each level for you to choose from. The books listed are levelled using the MultiLit Book Levels system. The list provides a guide for books with text at a similar level, but there is some variation in text.
The list is updated as more books are levelled. To ensure students are reading appropriate text, the 100 Word Sample Test should be used to confirm book choice.
Download MultiLit Book Levels chartDownload Recommended ‘Real’ Books and Series chart
More information
For more information on the MultiLit Book Levels, you may be interested to read ‘MultiLit Book Levels: Towards a new system for levelling texts’ by Sally Pearce, Kevin Wheldall and Alison Madelaine from Macquarie University Special Education Centre, published in the 2006 Volume 15 No 1 issue of Special Education Perspectives.
To download the article, click here.