John Warburton
Trainer, BA (Hons), GradCertSpecEd
The long journey that led to John working as a MultiLit trainer began when one of his children, experiencing reading difficulties in the early years at primary school, was offered the Reading Tutor Program. Having witnessed first-hand the effectiveness of a MultiLit intervention, John was trained initially as a parent volunteer, helping deliver the Reading Tutor Program to struggling readers in his children’s school over many years.
A growing interest in all aspects of literacy acquisition and reading difficulties eventually led to John working as a tutor in the MultiLit Literacy Centre, leaving behind a 20-year journalism career in which he had worked as a senior sub-editor on the Australian Financial Review and the Sydney Morning Herald. Along the way, he obtained a postgraduate qualification in special education from Macquarie University’s Special Education Centre.
Since 2014, John has worked full-time as a trainer for MultiLit, delivering workshops from Hobart to Christmas Island and many points in between. His one regret about the role? That it took him so long to find a job as worthwhile and fulfilling as helping teachers apply rigorously researched, evidence-based approaches to allow children to master the written word.