There are a number of benefits to running a comprehensive suite of literacy programs across all year groups of a school. There are added benefits on a system-wide basis, when multiple schools in a network are supported to implement an evidence-based approach to literacy education.
MultiLit provides extensive training and ongoing support for all teachers using its various programs, and can work with leading bodies to introduce these courses across entire school systems. Whether it’s a government department, a diocese or a school-focused association, MultiLit provides the tools to enable schools to be successful.
An investment in success
The decision to implement a specific program across a large schooling system or network is a large investment, and comes with a lot of questions: What program is right for your schools? How do you go about rolling it out? What resources do you need to purchase? How do you go about training teachers?
MultiLit’s commitment to the success of system-wide implementations of its programs begins with advisory support from Director of Strategy and Senior Research Fellow, Dr Jennifer Buckingham. Advice is given based on the system’s particular objectives, circumstances, challenges and needs, before a sales manager helps with the quoting and ordering process, and training can begin.
Consistency is key
Providing seamless delivery of literacy education is paramount in the early years of a child’s reading journey. Being able to offer consistency school to school ensures that each student is receiving the same quality of instruction, so education leaders can be confident that every school under their guidance is setting their students up for success. School Partnership Officers also provide consistency in communication between schools, system leadership and MultiLit.
Patrick Ellis, Education Lead at the Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, says schools have benefited from the use of consistent curriculum resources, a common language and consistency in practice since implementing the InitiaLit, MiniLit Sage and MacqLit programs across the Catholic education system in the area.
“These programs are cumulative and comprehensive, providing detailed lesson plans and instructional material to reduce teacher workload so the focus can be on the teacher delivering high-quality lessons and responding to student need.”
Personalised support
As MultiLit School Partnership Officers get to know the schools, teachers and communities they are working with, they are able to provide tailored advice specific to each team’s circumstances. The MultiLit team is available to advise on data captured by the teachers and provide suggestions for interventions needed. This can be done on a system-wide basis, with more data allowing for a more accurate understanding of trends in the needs of the students.
“Teachers are responding well to using MultiLit,” says Patrick. “The progress monitoring has assisted teachers to feel more confident knowing their students’ abilities and overall literacy development.”
'All part of the service'
Therese Levins is a School Partnerships Officer for MultiLit and has worked closely with the senior leadership and school staff of the Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn to implement a system-wide, evidence-based approach to literacy instruction across 41 schools.
“I love developing, building and maintaining key relationships with educators as part of my role and that was a key part of the approach we have taken with Catholic schools across Canberra and Goulburn,” says Therese. “So much so that I work around my training commitments to ensure that the staff from Catholic education and the schools are always supported with answers to their questions and various needs. This is ‘all part of the service’, as the saying goes!”
Archdiocesan-wide question and answer sessions with senior staff, principals and leadership teams have allowed for a smooth and successful implementation of MultiLit programs. When leadership has a strong understanding of what is being taught in their schools and how, they are better able to support their teachers to be confident and effective literacy instructors.
“It can be hard to introduce something new,” says Therese. “But the research, training and results offer confidence to school staff to make the change, so they can in turn make a difference to the children.”
“It’s great when the teachers embrace the programs and have a go at implementing them. I love seeing them get excited about the impact they can have – their enthusiasm grows as they see the students’ literacy skills develop as they become confident readers and writers, improving their understanding of the world around them and setting them up for their life ahead.”
Contact us for more information on how MultiLit’s School Partnerships team could help your school community.