Dotty McDermott was Fierce and Bold


Wrriten by Nicola Bell, illustrated by Elizabeth Munro

A story with a feisty female protagonist, perfect for inspiring little girls, especially when it turns out that Dotty’s bravest act is facing her own fears.

Ideal for use with children in Years 1 and 2 (age 5-8). This book has been written to accompany the LanguageLift program, but can also be used independently. The explicit story and language elements will make it particularly helpful for those struggling with oral language.


Dotty McDermott was Fierce and Bold provides an excellent introduction to narrative story structure, with a special focus on 'who', through an interesting main character. It has a relatable theme about feeling shy and making friends. As a rhyming book, it provides opportunities to involve children in helping to tell the story. Most key story elements are made explicit, and it includes varied character description words to explore: ‘fierce’, ‘bold’, ‘brave’, ‘courageous’, ‘shy’. Many children will identify with shyness and rejoice with Dotty as she finds out she is capable of more than she believed. They’ll also love being able to follow along with the rhyming text and complete lines of the story with you. You can use this book to discuss:
  • What your child likes to do and finds hard to do
  • How pushing ourselves to do hard things helps us to grow
  • How we can help others who might be shy
Published by Putto Press, an imprint of MultiLit Pty Ltd.
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