Firecracker Books, The Ignite Series Classroom Set


  1. For low-progress readers in Years 4–6
  2. Classroom Set includes 6 Full Sets

Firecracker Books aim to spark the interest of older students in reading by providing engaging and accessible books at an appropriate level of difficulty.

The classroom set includes six copies of the full set of 25 titles in the Ignite Series of Firecracker Books (150 books in total). Designed for use in independent or teacher-led reading sessions, home reading and as a compatible supplementary resource for MacqLit and other reading intervention programs.

The Ignite Series of Firecracker Books comprises 25 high-interest chapter books with a lower reading level, providing students struggling to read at the level of their peers with reading and fluency practice. The Ignite Series includes both fiction and non-fiction titles, with engaging illustrations and inviting full-colour photos to capture the interest of reluctant readers. Fiction: Bad Unicorn | Bella on the Stage | Helping Hands | Junior Cook-It | Lenny and the Dragon | Liar, Lyre | Outback Rescue | Storm in the Desert | The Puppy Gang | The Red Tiger Robbery | The Secrets of Cotton Tree Island | The Treetop Times | What a Mess! | What Next? | Wild River Non-fiction: Ancient Egypt | Animal Migrations | Crazy Plants | Extreme Sports | Hide and Seek | That's a First! | Under the Microscope | Vikings | Volcanoes | Working Dogs Extra full sets of Firecracker Books or individual titles can be purchased if more than six copies of a title are required (for example, to cater for more than one small group or to provide titles as home readers).  
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