InitiaLit Readers Levels 10-16, The Wattle Series – More to Explore Books (pack of 5)


  1. Year 1
  2. Decodable readers
  3. Pack of 5 books

A pack of 5 full-colour individual student workbooks, containing comprehension activities to consolidate and extend children’s engagement with the InitiaLit Readers (Levels 10-16, The Wattle Series). This optional resource can be used during independent and small-group work time for InitiaLit–1 and MiniLit Sage students.

A pack of 5 full-colour individual student workbooks, containing comprehension activities to consolidate and extend children’s engagement with the InitiaLit Readers (Levels 10-16, The Wattle Series). This book can be used during independent and small-group work time. Students will need access to the appropriate reader to complete the related pages, and to be supported by a teacher or other adult. Two pages of activities are devoted to each Reader, covering a variety of written formats. Tasks include answering questions, sequencing and predicting. Word work on the target sound in each Reader is also included. The activities are scaffolded to support children as they move through the InitiaLit Reader sequence. If schools decide to purchase this optional resource, enough packs should be ordered to cater for the total number of children in the classroom.
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