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InitiaLit–1 Storybook Lessons
- Year 1
- Whole-class program
A handbook containing the Storybook and Vocabulary Development component of the IntiaLit–1 program, including instructions on how to use this component and all whole-class lessons for the year, based around 25 popular children’s literature titles.
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Categories InitiaLit, InitiaLit–1, Replacement Components
A handbook containing the Storybook and Vocabulary Development component of the InitiaLit–1 program.
This book contains a summary of relevant research demonstrating the importance of oral language and vocabulary development for reading and writing, clear explanations of how the four lessons designed for each storybook carefully target and develop these skills, building on the InitiaLit–Foundation Storybook lessons, and all whole-class lessons for the year (100 lessons), based around 25 popular children’s literature titles.
Please note that the storybooks required for these lessons must be sourced from the school library or purchased separately.