InitiaLit–1 Sounds and Words Books B (Pack)


  1. Year 1
  2. Whole-class program
  3. Sounds and Words Books B: Pack of 6 books

A pack of 6 InitiaLit–1 Sounds and Words Books B for use with a small group of (up to 6) students, during rotations after whole-class instruction (each student in the group will need a book). These books provide word, sentence and text reading practice with teacher supervision, aligned with Lessons 78-131 of the InitiaLit–1 program.

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A pack of 6 InitiaLit–1 Sounds and Words Books B for use with a small teacher-led group of (up to 6) students, during small group rotations after whole-class instruction (each student in the group will need a book). These books provide scaffolded practice in reading words, sentences and connected text aligned with the tricky word and letter-sound correspondences taught in the second half of the year (Lessons 78-131). They are an essential part of the literacy lesson as children work towards fluency. The InitiaLit–1 Kit comes with 6 Sounds and Words Books B, but schools may wish to replace these if they become damaged. Individual copies of Sounds and Words Book B can also be purchased, if less than six new books are required.
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