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InitiaLit–2 Kit
- Year 2
- Whole-class program
The InitiaLit–2 program provides teachers with daily whole-class lessons and all materials required to target the key skills required for continuing literacy development during the third year of schooling (Year 2), building on InitiaLit–1.
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Categories InitiaLit, InitiaLit–2, Kits, Kits and Consumables
The InitiaLit–2 program provides teachers with daily whole-class lessons for children’s third year of schooling (Year 2). Lessons target the key skills required for successful literacy development and are based around two main strands: ‘spelling’ and ‘comprehension and fluency’. A Grammar component and Storybook component complement these strands. InitiaLit–2 builds logically on the InitiaLit–1 program, moving students seamlessly towards reading and spelling mastery using a familiar approach.
The Kit includes a Teacher’s Manual, 4 Spelling Lesson Handbooks and 25 copies of the accompanying Spelling Workbook, 3 Comprehension and Fluency Lesson Handbooks and 25 copies of the Read and Discuss (RAD) Reading Book (for children to practise their reading and comprehension skills in small groups), an Assessment Manual, a Storybook Lessons Manual with lessons to accompany 17 popular children’s literature titles, and a Growing Grammar Handbook (containing 32 grammar lessons and associated writing activities). Upon purchase, schools will also be given access to hundreds of downloadables to aid delivery and implementation (e.g., consolidation worksheets, Home Reading Diaries).