InitiaLit–2 RAD Reading Book


  1. Year 2
  2. Whole-class program
  3. RAD Reading Book: Single copy

A single copy of the student Read And Discuss (RAD) Reading Book, providing texts to read, for use in conjunction with the Comprehension and Fluency component of InitiaLit–2, during whole-class instruction and in small group work.

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A single copy of the student Read And Discuss (RAD) Reading Book for use in conjunction with the Comprehension and Fluency component of InitiaLit–2, during whole-class instruction and in small group work.

Part 1 of the book contains texts used during whole-class lessons. Part 2 of the book contains additional practice texts for teacher-led small group work. These texts come with discussion questions and activities. All texts are carefully aligned with the sequence of comprehension strategies being taught over the course of the year.

All students in a class need a copy of the RAD Reading Book. The InitiaLit–2 Kit comes with 25 RAD Reading Books, but schools may wish to purchase additional copies if more than 25 books are required, or if an original copy becomes damaged. Packs of 5 RAD Reading Books are also available for purchase.
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