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InitiaLit–Foundation Flashcards
- Foundation year
- Whole-class program
A set of 195 sturdy, glossy word cards (113mm x 173mm) used throughout the year, as directed in the InitiaLit–Foundation lesson scripts, to practise sounding out and reading words, focusing on the particular letter-sound correspondences that have been taught during a lesson.
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Categories InitiaLit, InitiaLit–F, Replacement Components
A set of 195 sturdy, glossy word cards (113mm x 173mm), corresponding to the eleven phonic sets taught in the InitiaLit–Foundation program, and used throughout the year to practise sounding out and reading words during the whole-class lesson. Ten reusable blank cards are also included for teachers to create a custom set of words if needed.
These cards can be used if the PowerPoint slide accompanying a relevant lesson is unavailable, to focus on particular words as a whole class, to vary lesson delivery, or for additional small group or individual practice as needed.
The cards come with labelled set dividers (corresponding to the target phonic set) for easy storage in plastic tubs or baskets (not included).
Note that the words on the cards are printed in NSW Foundation font.