InitiaLit Reader 13.4 Fixing the Car
Dad decides to fix an old car. By the time he is finished, this is a very special car. This Level 13 reader in the InitiaLit Readers sequence focuses on the split digraphs: a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e. This book also includes a play to read and act out. (Author: Colette Read, Illustrator: Anna Falconer)
Availability: 194 in stock
Categories Individual Titles, InitiaLit, InitiaLit–1, Levels 10-16, Series 1, Readers
Dad decides to fix an old car. By the time he is finished, this is a very special car.
This Level 13 reader in the InitiaLit Readers sequence focuses on the split digraphs: a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e. This book also includes a play to read and act out. (Author: Colette Read, Illustrator: Anna Falconer)
The InitiaLit Readers Levels 10-16 are carefully scaffolded for children in their second year of school to practise their developing reading skills, following the InitiaLit–1 phonic sequence, and should be purchased by schools using the InitiaLit–1 program.
Full sets of Readers (Levels 10-16), bundle sets for each level (10-16) or individual titles can be also be purchased by parents wishing to support their child’s reading, or by any school wishing to provide decodable readers to support an evidence-based synthetic phonics approach to teaching reading. Each title includes instructions and pre- and post-reading activities to help teachers and parents use the books effectively.