InitiaLit Readers Level 8, Series 2 Bundle
One copy of each book (10 titles) in Level 8, Series 2 of the decodable InitiaLit Readers sequence, focusing on the sounds: wh, th, oo, ng, ay.
Availability: 30 in stock
Categories Bundles, InitiaLit, InitiaLit–F, Levels 1-9, Series 2, Readers
One copy of each book in Level 8, Series 2 of the decodable InitiaLit Readers sequence, designed for children in their first year of school, focusing on the sounds: wh, th, oo, ng, ay.
The 10 titles included are:
8.1a Wheels (Shared) / 8.1b What Can You See?
8.2a Thud! / 8.2b The Thick Book
8.3a Zoom to the Moon / 8.3b Zoo School
8.4a The Sad King / 8.4b Wings
8.5a Jay and Nan / 8.5b Stay, Jem, Stay
These Readers are carefully scaffolded for children to practise their developing reading skills, following the InitiaLit–Foundation phonic sequence, and should be purchased by schools using the InitiaLit–Foundation program. Series 2 provides a parallel series of readers for additional practice or home reading.
Full sets of Readers (Levels 1-9), bundle sets for each level (1-9) or individual titles can be also be purchased by parents wishing to support their child’s reading, or by any school wishing to provide decodable readers to support an evidence-based synthetic phonics approach to teaching reading. Each title includes instructions and pre- and post-reading activities to help teachers and parents use the books effectively. In addition, the first Reader in each level is a Shared Reader, allowing an adult to provide extra support by reading together with a child (alternating pages).