That’s a First: Incredible Inventions (Firecracker Books, The Ignite Series)


  1. For low-progress readers in Years 4–6
  2. High interest, low reading level chapter books

Written by Julienne Laidlaw

Imagine a world without lights, television, phones or cars. Let’s take a look at some of the very first inventions and how they changed people’s lives.


Availability: 181 in stock

The Ignite Series of Firecracker Books comprises 25 high-interest chapter books with a lower reading level, providing students struggling to read at the level of their peers with reading and fluency practice. Designed for use in independent or teacher-led reading sessions, home reading and as a compatible supplementary resource for MacqLit, the Reading Tutor Program, Word Attack Skills – Extension and other reading intervention programs. Reading non-fiction texts helps to build background knowledge for older low-progress readers, contributing to expanded vocabulary knowledge and improved reading comprehension.
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