InitiaLit Readers Levels 1-9, Series 2 (Classroom set)
- Classroom set includes 6 Full Sets
Six copies of the full set of 60 InitiaLit Readers Levels 1-9 Series 2 (360 books), for use during small group reading during the first year of school, alongside the InitiaLit–Foundation program, or for use by any school wishing to provide decodable readers to support an evidence-based synthetic phonics approach to teaching reading.
A subscription to the MultiLit eLibrary is a valuable accompaniment to the print editions of the InitiaLit Readers, providing online access to the full collection for use for home reading.
Categories InitiaLit, InitiaLit–F, Levels 1-9, Series 2, Readers, Sets
Six copies of the full set of 60 InitiaLit Readers Levels 1-9 Series 2 (360 books in total), for use during small group reading during the first year of school, alongside the InitiaLit–Foundation program, or for use by any school wishing to provide decodable readers to support an evidence-based synthetic phonics approach to teaching reading.
These delightful and engaging decodable Readers are carefully scaffolded for children to practise their developing reading skills, following the InitiaLit–Foundation phonic sequence and gradually increasing in sentence and story length. Levels 1-9 target the following sounds: Level 1 (m, s, t, a, p, i, f, r), Level 2 (o, c, d, h), Level 3 (e, n, g, l), Level 4 (k, u, b, j), Level 5 (w, ck, ll, ff, ss), Level 6 (sh, qu, ee, z/zz), Level 7 (ch, v, x, y), Level 8 (wh, th, oo, ng, ay), Level 9 (CVCC, CCVC).
Extra Full sets of Readers (Levels 1-9), bundle sets for each level (1-9) or individual titles can be purchased if more than 6 copies of a title are required (for example, to cater for more than one small group or to provide titles as home readers).