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InitiaLit–Foundation Poster Pack (Large format)
- Foundation year
- Whole-class program
An optional pack of full-colour larger versions of the posters used in the InitiaLit–Foundation program. The pack includes all 26 Character Posters in A3 size (these are provided in A4 size as part of the InitiaLit–Foundation Kit) and both Sound Charts in A2 size (these are provided in A3 size as part of the InitiaLit–Foundation Kit).
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Availability: 361 in stock
Categories InitiaLit, InitiaLit–F, Replacement Components
An optional pack of full-colour larger versions of the posters used in the InitiaLit–Foundation program. The pack includes all 26 Character Posters in A3 size (these are provided in A4 size as part of the InitiaLit–Foundation Kit) and both Sound Charts in A2 size (these are provided in A3 size as part of the InitiaLit–Foundation Kit).nThe Character Posters are used to introduce each letter of the alphabet and its sound in an engaging way during InitiaLit–Foundation whole-class lessons. Each poster displays one letter along with a character (e.g., Sammy Seal, ‘s’) to help children remember the sound the letter makes. Letters and sounds from the first five phonic sets taught in the program are accompanied by listening comprehension poems, given on the back of each poster. The first Sound Chart poster displays all letters of the alphabet along with its character prompt to help children remember the sound the letter makes. The second chart displays all digraphs taught (ll, ss, ff, zz, ee, oo, ay, ng, sh, ch, th, wh) along with a picture prompt, and provides spelling choices for these sounds, when these have been taught. The Sound Charts and Character Posters can be used to practise the alphabet, to revise letters and characters, and to remind children of spelling choices, particularly when writing. They can also be displayed on the wall for on-going reference. Note that the letters on the posters are printed in NSW Foundation font. Alternatively, additional copies of the A3-size Sound Charts or A4-size Character Posters can be purchased.
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