MacqLit Kit
- Year 3 to post-formal schooling, adults and EAL/D
- Small group program
The MacqLit Kit provides teachers with a comprehensive set of scripted small group lessons and accompanying materials for supporting older low-progress readers (Year 3 and above). Lessons focus on explicitly teaching the basic and more advanced English phonics code explicitly and systematically, and are accompanied by passage reading exercises to work on fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.
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Categories Kits, Kits and Consumables, MacqLit
The MacqLit Kit provides teachers with a comprehensive set of scripted small group lessons and accompanying materials for supporting older low-progress readers (Year 3 and above). Lessons focus on teaching both the basic and more advanced phonics code in English explicitly and systematically. Lessons are accompanied by carefully designed connected text reading exercises to help students practise and generalise each new spelling pattern to authentic reading experiences, working on fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.
The Kit includes a Teacher’s Manual, eight Handbooks with detailed lessons, three different Sounds and Words Books (5 copies of each) for students to practise their developing phonics skills during lessons, a Testing and Lessons Record book for the group, six copies of the student Activity Book (including one sample copy for the teacher to use for reference), and accompanying supporting materials (e.g., Flashcards, Sound Prompt Cards, Vowel Chart). The Kit also comes with a Reinforced Reading booklet and video to take teachers and parents through best practice techniques for supporting students as they engage in further reading practice outside of lessons.
Please note that a WARP Kit (Wheldall Assessment of Reading Passages) is included for first-time purchasers of MacqLit.