InitiaLit–2 Extension RAD Reading Book (pack of 6)
- Year 2
- Whole-class program
- For extending capable InitiaLit students
Six copies of the InitiaLit–2 Extension RAD Reading Book for use during small group rotations after whole-class instruction (each student in the group will need a book). It provides capable readers with extended and enriched reading practice.
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Categories Extension, Extension Kit, InitiaLit, InitiaLit–2, Kits and Consumables, Programs
Six copies of the InitiaLit–2 Extension RAD Reading Book for use during small group rotations after whole-class instruction (each student in the group will need a book).
It will assist teachers in providing differentiated learning activities for students who are easily mastering the core reading and spelling literacy skills being taught in InitiaLit–2.
The Extension RAD Reading Book supports and extends the comprehension skills and strategies of your capable readers. It follows a thematic structure with content organised around four main themes: Explore, Play, Survive and Imagine. The Extension RAD Reading Book challenges and engages children with a variety of texts and topics of interest. Children participate in group and paired discussions related to the text and beyond. They explore different perspectives in oral and written activities.
A downloadable teacher guide accompanies the InitiaLit–2 Extension RAD Reading Book, available from the MultiLit Members’ Area. It contains answer guides, child-friendly definitions, scaffolding tips and suggestions for extra activities.
A self-paced workshop, InitiaLit Extension PD by eLearning, provides training in how to use the InitiaLit Extension resources, as well as how to extend capable students in the whole-class program.