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InitiaLit–2 Growing Grammar Handbook
- Year 2
- Whole-class program
A handbook containing the Grammar component of the InitiaLit–2 program, including instructions for use and 32 scripted whole-class lessons for the year.
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Categories InitiaLit, InitiaLit–2, Replacement Components
A handbook containing the Grammar component of the InitiaLit–2 program, including instructions for use and 32 scripted whole-class lessons for the year.
These lessons revise grammatical concepts introduced in IntiaLit–1 and build further knowledge. Concepts covered meet Australian curriculum requirements for Year 2 and include: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, noun groups, verbs, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions. Lessons devoted to using speech punctuation are also included. A carefully aligned writing task is provided for each grammatical concept, so that children immediately apply grammatical knowledge to their own writing.