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InitiaLit–2 Concept Posters
- Year 2
- Whole-class program
A set of 33 sturdy, glossy A4 poster cards (24 Spelling Concept Posters and 9 Grammar Concept Posters) illustrating important terminology, spelling rules and grammatical concepts introduced during InitiaLit–2 whole-class Spelling and Grammar lessons.
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Categories InitiaLit, InitiaLit–2, Replacement Components
A set of 33 sturdy, glossy A4 poster cards (24 Spelling Concept Posters and 9 Grammar Concept Posters) illustrating important terminology, spelling rules and grammatical concepts introduced during InitiaLit–2 whole-class Spelling and Grammar lessons.
These posters can be used if the PowerPoint slide accompanying a relevant lesson is unavailable or to vary lesson delivery. After use in a lesson, they can be displayed on the classroom wall for on-going reference during writing tasks.