InitiaLit Extension

The InitiaLit Extension suite of resources and professional development aims to provide capable readers undertaking the InitiaLit–Foundation, InitiaLit–1 and InitiaLit–2 programs with extended and enriched reading practice. It will assist teachers in providing differentiated learning activities for students who are easily mastering the core reading and spelling literacy skills being taught in InitiaLit.

Read about the research background for InitiaLit Extension here.

InitiaLit Extension resources

There are three InitiaLit Extension books, designed to be used in place of the InitiaLit–Foundation and InitiaLit–1 Sounds and Words Books, and the RAD Reading Book for InitiaLit–2 in small-group time. They include more challenging material in terms of texts and tasks.

The InitiaLit Extension resources include:

There is a downloadable teacher guide to accompany each Extension book, available from the MultiLit Members’ Area. It contains answer guides, child-friendly definitions, scaffolding tips and suggestions for extra activities.

InitiaLit Extension PD by eLearning

The InitiaLit Extension PD by eLearning course provides detailed guidelines and practical suggestions for extension opportunities in the InitiaLit program. These include what to do for capable students in the whole-class InitiaLit lessons, during reading groups using the Sounds and Words Books and InitiaLit Readers as well as during the Storybook Lessons. It also contains more detailed discussion and analysis of the components of the InitiaLit Extension Sounds and Words Books and the InitiaLit–2 Extension RAD Reading Book.

InitiaLit Extension PD by eLearning is approximately three hours in duration, and costs $260 per person.

Following registration, you will receive a link to the eLearning course on the Open Learning platform within two business days.

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